case management & wellbeing
case management
At Emerald Organisational Health & Wellbeing Solutions Ltd (EMOHS), we adopt the case management approach as best practice in contributing towards sickness absence management and sustainable return to work. Our service are provided in various ways:
- Telephone Assessment
- Face-to-Face Assessment
- Case Conference
Our assessments are provided privately by qualified and experienced occupational health practitioners. We provide reports to management within 24-48 hours advising on employees' fitness to return to work and make relevant recommendations. Privacy, confidentiality and data protection are important to us. To find out more about this service, please email: or phone 020 7732 4040 / 07900195138
sickness absence
In 2009 in the United Kingdom (UK), Long-term Sickness Absence (LTSA) accounted for 22 % of total working time lost. The situation is particularly acute in the public sector where the proportion of LTSA to all sickness absence is 36 %, compared to 20 % in the private sector. The cost to Britain’s largest public sector employer, England's National Health Service (NHS), is an estimated £1.7 billion/annum.
Despite increased efforts to control sickness absence, there has been only limited improvement, particularly in the public sector, and paradoxically the costs of sickness absence have risen significantly. Part of the recommended workplace initiatives to help tackle sickness absence are: undertaking ‘return-to-work’ interviews; early referral to occupational health services; flexible working; and adopting a case management approach.
EMOHS offers a tailor-made, case-management approach when advising managers and HR concerning employee health and wellbeing matters. We aim to provide relevant advice enabling organisations to support their employees better.
EMOHS can work with your organisation to devise a bespoke employee well-being programme to suit your organisational needs. We specialise in the following:
- Formal presentations
- Stand in the canteen at lunchtime
- Single event
- Writing a well-being strategy
mental health support
“Many employers are already creating healthy, inclusive workplaces, but more needs to be done so that employers provide the support needed for employees with mental health conditions.”
Prime Minister Theresa May, January 2017
There is a high annual cost to employers of between £33 billion and £42 billion (with over half of the cost coming from presenteeism – when individuals are less productive due to poor mental health in work) with additional costs from sickness absence and staff turnover (Deloitte Report, 2017).
The cost of poor mental health to the Government is between £24 billion and £27 billion. This includes costs in providing benefits, falls in tax revenue and costs to the NHS.
"Deloitte’s analysis of case studies where investments have been made in improving mental health show a consistently positive return on investment...a finding which is bolstered by a number of academic meta-studies which demonstrate the benefits of good work for mental health and key workplace enablers."
We agree with Former Prime Minister Theresa May in the sense that more work has to be done in this area. We pride ourselves in working with organisations to tackle the impact of mental health issues on productivity and sustainable work participation.
We have a team of specialists who have what it takes to provide workplace interventions as required for your business.